Just look at how BIG you're getting. Honestly, it's a wonder how you fit in there! I'm sorry I have a short torso and you're not fitting very well, only a few more days left, and you'll be able to stretch your cute little arms and legs as far as you want. I'm a little bit worried because the doctors are concerned you're too small, you still have some growing to do! Doctors are estimating that you weigh 4.3 lbs... which isn't very much so we have to eat a LOT during these next couple days and hopefully that will fatten you up! Those extra chubs are important!It's a good thing I love you so much baby, because all the food I'm eating and the pills I'm taking are making me sick!
Let me tell you something baby boy, you are very lucky. You are already the center of your dads world. Your daddy is so excited to meet you! He talks about all the sports you're going to play and how he will be at every game or event that you're in. It's sweet. He talks to you everyday and makes sure I get enough food in for you to eat. He's gonna be an awesome daddy, dont you think?
I think about you all the time little baby. I think of how I want to be the mom that's not afraid to get her hair wet when I go swimming with you. I want to be the soccer mom on the block who is not afraid to get sweaty with you. I think about being the PTA mom that goes to all the meetings. I have even dreamed about you. My favorite is when your daddy and I are cuddling you and playing with your cute baby toes. I'm so excited for you to meet your adorable cousin Max! He comes and pats you every once in awhile and says "Hi Xander". You will love him. He is so fun. You two will have so much fun growing up together.
I can't wait to see you my little Alexander. To hold you. To smell you. I hear that babies just smell delicious. I can't wait to see your little toes and fingers and to cuddle with you all day. I'm ready to birth you too. You are just perfect. Just right for my body. Perfect for your daddy and I. You are just perfect, baby. We love you so much.
Love, Momma