Finally! I feel like I’ve been running past my whole life. I ‘m always so excited about what’s coming next that I sometimes forget to enjoy the moment that I am in and just slow down. There are so many things in my life that I don’t want to forget and as a solution I thought about starting a blog. Great idea… right? Right, it would have been, but the thing is… I have been THINKING about it for YEARS. Anytime that I would sit down and tell myself, okay this is it, just do it… I would think of something more productive I could be doing, so I would stop and tell myself I’d do it later and later never came. But the reality is that life is going by way to fast and I am scared of forgetting all the little moments that take my breath away. So here I am. New at this blog world…a little bit scared because I have no idea what I’m doing, but I did it, I made my blog, and I am so proud!
I’d like to tell a little about myself. I love to go by Esme. I love yoga. I love music. I love going on walks with the hubs when the weather is just perfect. I love fall. I’m a cosmetologist. I absolutely LOVE fashion. I love clothes, make up, BOOTS, and hair, you name it, I love it all. I love being happy. I am married to my best friend and the man of my dreams. I have a wonderful family, incredible sisters, awesome brothers and the sweetest nephews and niece. I have a HUGE amount of Faith. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love to laugh. I love being a little crazy once in a while, letting my hair down and just laugh. My husband makes me laugh. He makes me happy. I will be a momma in two and a half weeks and I am SO excited, I cannot even EXPLAIN how happy I am. My heart just wants to burst. My husband and I had been trying to have a baby for over a year and somehow we just couldn’t nail it. After many shots, doctor, gynecologist, and chiropractor visits-NOTHING. I started to feel like there was something wrong with me. I was trying to hold on to every piece of faith I had for dear life. I couldn’t understand how girls who didn’t want to have babies kept having them and I wanted one so bad and I couldn’t have one. After finding out my sister in law ( will refer as sister in later posts) was pregnant, I felt devastated. I felt selfish, I felt mean and finally I just felt sadness and emptiness. Then I felt like my world was coming to an end. That is the moment I realized I would do absolutely ANYTHING to have a baby. I started looking into adoption and artificial ways to have a baby, but my husband was determined to have a baby --OUR-- baby. He was a sweetheart and said he wanted a child that looked like me and had my big eyes, a child that was a little piece of both of us. He had been so good the entire way. So patient, loving, you name it. I married a saint. We went on a cruise to relax and have fun. The entire trip I felt sea sick.. even while on shore… my time of the month hadn’t come the month earlier, but after taking so many pregnancy tests and getting negative results we were scared to check. It’s a horrible feeling to get that negative sign. So we didn’t check, had a blast on our cruise and still nothing… long story short, came back from our cruise late that night and we couldn’t wait any longer, so we went to walmart to buy 2 pregnancy tests( just in case the first one lied.) Took it and it came out POSITIVE! Baby Alexander Leo will be joining our family in about 2 ½ weeks and I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. I am a cosmetologist, fashion guru, wife to a wonderful man, and soon to be momma to a precious gift from Heavenly Father. I am truly blessed.
This is a favorite qoute.
YAY about time!!